Journal of Awqaf, Zakat and Hajj (JAWHAR)

Submission Guidelines

  1. The manuscript is required to be either in English or Bahasa Melayu, the use of Microsoft Office software (Word and Excel), font type Times New Roman, size 12. Tables and figures are to be done using Font Times New Roman, size 10.
  2. The article must be single spaced and justified. The required margins are: top 2.5 cm, bottom 1.5cm, left and right 2.0cm.
  1. Article require a title, authors full name, the second authors full name, along with full address (institutions or university address, e-mail, phone number, offices number, and fax) in a separate sheet. Corresponding author details must be included.
  1. All manuscript(s) is to be submitted to: This journal goes through peer-review process and the reviewer and author identities are concealed from the reviewers, and vice versa, throughout the review process.
  1. Please refer the attached formatting for guidelines of the manuscript.

Journal Specification

The Journal of Awqaf, Zakat, and Hajj (Jawhar) is registered in MyJurnal, an online system by the Citation and Infometric Division, the Higher Education Department, MoHE. MyJurnal indexes Malaysian journals and provides bibliographic data and full-text articles across various disciplines, including Arts & Humanities, Engineering & Technology, Medical & Health Sciences, Sciences and Social Sciences.