Peer Review
Full Confidentiality
Each article submitted to the journal will be managed with full confidentiality. Each submission will be reviewed first by the Associate Editors on a case-by-case basis.
When the Editorial Advisory Board finds that the article meets the basic requirements of the journal (see Submission Guidelines), the article will be sent for peer-review (also known as reviewers) appropriate to the subject matter. Author’s name of the article will be kept confidential from reviewers to prevent from bias evaluation.
Number of Reviewers
The journal ensures that the authors of the submitted articles remain anonymous from the reviewers. The journal recommends that the Editorial Advisor Board name at least 2 potential reviewers that are experts in the field. This would assist in hastening the editorial and review process and, therefore, allow the submitted articles to be published in a timely manner.
Unacceptable Articles
If the reviewer/s finds the submission unacceptable, notification will be send to the author.
Final Draft
Final edits are sent to the Editorial Advisory Board Members to check for accountability and other issues. If there is any technical error in the article, the Editorial Staff will ask the author to make corrections.
Time Frame of Reviewing Process
It is estimated the process will take approximately 2 weeks to 6 months from submission to completion of publication process.
Information on Publications
The author will be informed about the publication of the journal in the e-journal by official email when all the process completed.
The peer-review process and the responsibilities of the reviewers and the Editorial Advisory Board.
Guidelines for reviewers are as follows:
- Reviews should be conducted objectively. Personal criticism of the author’s discrimination towards the topic and method is inappropriate.
- Reviewers should indicate their views with constructive comments, supporting arguments, and references as necessary and should not be defamatory or libelous.
- Reviewers should respect the confidentiality of the material supplied to them and should not discuss unpublished manuscripts with colleagues, be it in person or online, or use the information in their work.
- If a reviewer intends to pass a review request on to a colleague, they should obtain approval from the Editorial Staff first.
- Reviewers should point out relevant published work that the authors have not cited.
The Editorial Advisory Board follows the following rules:
- The editors have complete responsibility and authority to reject/accept a manuscript.
- The editors’ decisions to accept or reject a manuscript for publication are based only on its importance, originality, clarity, applicability to the scope of the journal and quality.
- The editors has no conflict of interest concerning the manuscript and to the author(s).
The editorial advisory board members can publish in the Journal, but they must not exploit their position; in such a case, the submission is handled by another editor, and peer review is dealt with independently of the author/editor.
Journal Specification

The Journal of Awqaf, Zakat, and Hajj (Jawhar) is registered in MyJurnal, an online system by the Citation and Infometric Division, the Higher Education Department, MoHE. MyJurnal indexes Malaysian journals and provides bibliographic data and full-text articles across various disciplines, including Arts & Humanities, Engineering & Technology, Medical & Health Sciences, Sciences and Social Sciences.